Public Display

Public Display

S-T-C Tuesday: January 3, 2022

“When your decisions are on public display, everyone learns how to live right.” (Isaiah 26:9)

If you’re ever going to become the transformational leader you were created to be you’ll need to get real comfortable with obscurity.

Obscurity is quite possibly the greatest blessing we’ll ever receive!

It’s the one time in our lives when distractions are at a minimum. The perfect time for us to get definitive in our decision making process.

Process is the currency in which transformational leaders trade.

The ability to tell the story of how you arrived at a desirable outcome is much more important than the outcome itself.

The highest standard of transformational living in which our way of living does all the storytelling for us.

You’ll never get to this level if you’re not definitive in everything you do.

Drift preys on the indecisive!

For these individuals everything is circumstantial. Life becomes very impulsive. There is no process or philosophy that guides their decision making.

Don’t be so eager to step into the spotlight that you blow past the most promising time of your life to hone in on your decision making process, because at some point that’ll be your most powerful form of communication and you’ll want to be sure it’s On Purpose!

What are you doing in your obscurity?

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