The Game of Your Life - Post Session Reflection

By now you have been introduced to the key concept of drift. Drift is the greatest obstacle you will face in your leadership development journey! Developing awareness will always be key and that awareness development process starts RIGHT NOW!

Key terms/concepts from session #1

  • Drift - to move aimlessly at the mercy of external circumstances

  • Flourishing - developing rapidly and successfully

  • Languishing - to fail to make progress or be successful. An overall lack of well-being.

  • States vs Traits - States are modes we go in and out of. Traits are fixed and become very hard to shake as life goes on.

  • Stealer - A state in which we make everything about our selves.

  • Coaster - A state in which we lack motivation and intentional living

  • Riser - An emerging leader full of potential and possibilities

  • Server - A mature leader who serves their team

  • Broker - A transformational leader who wants to help others transform

Post-Session Assignment

Fill out the post-session reflection form below - prepare to head to the Reflection Forum and post a comment on someone else’s response.