Does Flourishing Matter in Leadership?

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Our stated mission is to teach leaders how to flourish, but why? 

Whether we’ve consciously acknowledged it or not, flourishing is the state we’re all searching for. 

You might not be hip to the game yet, but the world knows this, the next time that ad or commercial pops up, ask yourself, “what are they really selling me?”

I promise you, it’ll be something that falls into one of the domains of flourishing.

Two Competing Paradigms

Universally we are innately attracted to well-being. 

We all want to experience: contentment, peace, happiness, satisfaction, meaning and purpose, character and virtue, close social relationships, mental health, and physical health.

The problem lies in the paradigms we use to make decisions and take actions regarding this universal truth.

Most of us are operating from a material paradigm. Meaning we believe well-being is what happens when certain things materialize. We’re waiting on the external to fix the internal.

Conversely we all have the opportunity to operate from a spiritual paradigm. Meaning we believe well-being can be effectively addressed by looking inward. We’re proactively working on the internal to transform the external.

The Role of The Leader

The leader's role is to cultivate a high-functioning operation, while simultaneously ensuring high performance doesn’t compromise health or wholeness of mind and body.

The only way we can do this is by measuring flourishing. 

What we measure shapes what we discuss, what we study, what we know, what we aim for, and policies to achieve it.

To neglect the measurement of flourishing often reduces policies and decision-making to the material.

Flourishing is mission critical to leadership, because ultimately it ensures we’re making decisions that prioritizes what matters most.

If you’re not measuring flourishing it’s time to start.

Since 2016, the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University has aimed to study and promote human flourishing. In doing so, they created the Flourishing Measure to assess various domains of flourishing or human well-being.

If you’re not measuring flourishing with your team and organization here is the best place to start. Send this link to your team members and we’ll compile the results and send them to you!

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