Tomorrow Never Comes

Tomorrow Never Comes

August 1, 2023

(Proverbs 27:1) “... you don’t know the first thing about tomorrow”

Growing up my “go-to” rationale for not doing what I had been asked to do was, “oh, I’m doing that tomorrow.”

If I really wanted to add some emphasis I would throw in a “definitely” or “I promise”!

Regardless of how empathic my declaration was, my Dad’s response was always, “Boy, tomorrow never comes, so you better get on it.”

That response would leave me feeling both annoyed and perplexed.

Annoyed because I always lost that debate.

Perplexed because I could never quite wrap my mind around that paradox. 

I could appreciate the figurative truth, but found it hard to get past the idea that tomorrow is an illusion.

Tomorrow is so ingrained in the construct of our lives. Especially in the realm of dreaming!

Dreaming is how we see into the future. It reinforces who we could be and should be, but it informs today.

Dreams always materialize today, never tomorrow!

Dreams are meant to be lived, and living always happens today!

Next time you find yourself dreaming, think about what it means to you today.

That relationship should be crystal clear, because living the dream always starts now.

What are you waiting for?
“Tomorrow never comes so you better get on it!”

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