Living Authentically

S-T-C Tuesday: Living Authentically

February 28, 2023

(Ephesians 4:15) “We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do”

Success is who you are! 

It’s been gifted to us in the form of some type of ability.

Each of us is blessed with the opportunity to cultivate excellence in our work.

Everyone of us possesses the internal resources and capabilities to achieve authentic success.

Authentic success is what happens when you commit to your transformational journey and live On Purpose.

Authentic success is NOT ACHIEVED in an instance. It IS REVEALED over time.

This is where we lose most people, because they, “don’t want to wait!” Instead they look for the “quick come ups!”

It’s this very orientation that gets us into trouble. We stop searching inward for success and begin scanning

the horizons for material success. 

External forms that come in many variations. Position. Pay. Power. To name a few.

Next thing we know, we’ve allowed Drift, through its cunning, crafty, deceitful scheming to convince us success is what we do, instead of who we are.

Yet, we see clearly here in this scripture that when living authentically, Christ is the source of everything we do.

Meaning if we focus our ambitions towards purposely living into our true self, everything we do will come from the most authentic source, and that can only lead to success.


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