7/20/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Right here. Right now

Right here. Right now


“Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34)


Transformational leaders recognize the power of the present. Leadership requires the ability to scan the future for obstacles, conflicts and opportunities.

But the way of the transformational leader is to fight for the present. Transformational leadership is soul leadership. Both for our own souls and for the souls of the people we lead.

A transformational leader knows that the soul was built for the present. One moment at a time. Eternity has already begun and it is right now. Our souls are alive in the present - completely dependent on God.

Our minds are what pull us into worrying about the future. All of the obstacles, conflicts and possible opportunities. The mind can be trained to stay right here and right now.

The transformational leader finds the most security in focusing one day at a time. Serving right here and right now. Just keep showing up.

Call to Action

Write down three things you are grateful for today. Write down three things you are going to let “tomorrow” worry about.

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