Welcome to The Journey

I believe the following to be true:

  • Everything rises and falls on leadership.

  • A truly skillful leader has the capacity to transform teams and transformational teams can change lives.

  • A truly skillful leader, leading a skillful team, has the capacity to help teams achieve maximum execution, and break through barriers that would be impossible alone.

  • An unskillful leader, leading a skillful team will still fall short of expectations and underperform.

  • An unskillful leader, leading an unskillful team, will end in disaster and frustration.

This website exists to encourage leaders to build skill. So that leaders can build skill in their teams, and inspire their teams to build skill in their own individual lives.

My name is Justin Brown and I want to thank you for visiting staythecourseleaders.com. I am a college baseball coach with over a decade of leadership experience in multiple stops around the United States. My goal is to provide resources for leadership study and development. I believe there has never been a greater need for skillful and purposeful leaders in our world than today. I am an avid reader and love collecting content on leadership, organizational culture, personal faith development, organizational faith development, and the power of teams.

Through a weekly leadership newsletter and an abundance of resources from some of the best leaders in the world, my goal is to encourage skill building in my own leadership journey as well as yours. I am not writing to you from a position of arrival, but rather from a position of a fellow climber on the journey.

Starting in 2020, join me weekly in studying leadership, organizational culture, faith, and the power of teams. There has never been a more critical time for a leader to build skill.

“Do you see any truly competent workers? They will serve kings rather than ordinary people.” Proverbs 22:29 (NLT).

If you are truly skilled at what you do, you will not labor in obscurity forever. Your best days of leadership are in front of you. Do the work. Stay The Course. Thank you for joining me.


My Top 10 Reads of 2019