Design Decisions

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S-T-C Tuesday: Design Decisions

January 31, 2023

(Ephesians 2:21) “Now he’s using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together..”

A lot of our teachings are centered around you as an individual.

This is intentional because living On Purpose is contingent on your choices.

We can’t make them for you.

God won’t make them for you.

It’s on you, however, when we consider design it’s important for us to take the time to understand the bigger picture, the design behind the design, if we are to truly appreciate how our design decisions should be approached.

We need each other. We’re a community!

We must fully embrace this truth if we hope to ever design a life for optimal impact.

Design is always about purpose. The end game is fulfillment of purpose. 

The best designs are the ones that definitively achieve the purpose.

As individuals we’ll never get there alone, but as a community there is hope.

There’s no need to strive for the perfect design that will activate this grand purpose.

Instead we can center our efforts toward finding the perfect fit within a much grander plan aimed at accomplishing the ultimate purpose.

This frees us to focus on refining our designs to optimize our ability to live On Purpose.

Knowing that collectively in doing this, “We’re doing it!

Because we have a cornerstone that is holding all the parts together.

Habit By Design

Courage > Confidence