Overflowing Thought Life

Overflowing Thought-Life

July 11, 2023

“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.” (2:Timothy 1:7)

Your leadership is the overflow of your lifestyle.

If you live spacey - you’ll lead spacey

If you live ego driven - you’ll lead ego driven

If you live stressed - you’ll lead stressed

If you live fearful - you’ll lead fearful

If you live as a servant - you’ll lead as a servant.

Your leadership is the overflow of your lifestyle.

Your lifestyle is the overflow of your thought life.

We have been given a sound mind that we can use to daily direct our thoughts which dictates our lifestyle which overflows into our leadership and purpose. 

The reality is, so much of the developments of modern science is actually proof of what God had designed from the start. 

  • The study of epigenetics by medical experts is confirming that our thoughts and choices impact our physical brain and body, our mental health and our spiritual development. 

  • Neuroscience research has found that the brain literally changes as a result of mental activity and these changes reveal the plasticity of the brain.

So both the developments of modern science and the wisdom of God align on this same truth:

We have control of our mind. And our mind (our thought life) literally changes how our body functions and how we live our lives (Lifestyle).

Your lifestyle is the overflow of your thought life. 

We have the power to make changes in our lifestyle.

We can change the way we relate to the pressures, environments, and stress of everyday life. 

We can change the way we relate to any component of our human experience.

Does the way you’re relating to your current experience promote the lifestyle you want to live to be the type of leader you want to be?

If yes - it’s being reinforced in your mind as you live out this day.

If no - you have been given the power of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7) and as you change the way you think about it, you are literally changing the way your brain/body will respond to it (neuroplasticity). 

So whether we call it neuroplasticity or the “renewing of the mind” (Romans 12:2) the point is - we have agency over our minds and a responsibility to direct our thought life in the direction of the type of lifestyle that will overflow into the type of leadership worthy of the title of leader.

Your leadership is the overflow of your lifestyle.

Your lifestyle is the overflow of your thought life.

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