Childlike Dependency

Childlike Dependency

June 6, 2023

“…Jesus called over a child, whom he stood in the middle of the room, and said, “I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom..” (Matthew 18:4 MSG)

Children have a lot to teach us!

They’re the purest representation of ambition we’ll ever witness.

Children approach the “impossible” every day with an eagerness to challenge themselves, learn something new, and grow from the experience.

They know no limitations, because their entire existence is one big limitation gradually being overcome.

Take for instance, a child learning to walk, it’s a grueling process yet all children approach it with the same unwavering determination.

Where does their faith come from?

How could someone so weak and seemingly helpless have what it takes to rise to the challenge?

Taking it a step further (pun intended) observe how children consistently show up to the task.

They’re always themselves, feeling no pressure to be anything other than that.

They’re not wishing things were easier.

They’re basking in the opportunity God has given them to be dependent on Him.

The perpetual challenges children face foster their growth and reveal God’s truth about them.

As adults, we drift away from the privileges of childlike dependency towards modern comforts and conveniences that only serve to conceal God’s truth about us and hamper our growth.

It’s time to start over like children.

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