An Uncompromised Life

S-T-C Tuesday: An Uncompromised Life

March 14, 2023

“Fear nothing in the things you’re about to suffer - but stay on your guard… it won’t last forever.” (Revelations 2:10)

The transformational journey is one of perseverance. 

Living On Purpose is a call to an uncompromised life, not a perfect one.

There will be challenges. These challenges are gifts. 

Opportunities to:

  • Learn

  • Grow

  • Achieve

  • Contribute.

Hard pathways overflow with abundance. 

In any given moment our suffering will cause us to question everything. It will disrupt the comforts of our lives we’ve become accustomed to. 

It will be tempting to reconsider your journey. To question your faith. To compromise on your convictions.


We need this resistance to keep growing. We need to be growing if we want to keep going.

For those that persevere, suffering strengthens them by building their character.

Don’t feel sorry for yourself and ease up on your disciplines.

Be thankful for the growth opportunities and stay on your guard.

Have the courage to let perseverance finish its work!

Sleep Through The Storms

On Purpose Dreaming