A Spiritual Thing

S-T-C Tuesday: A Spiritual Thing

March 28, 2023

“The Spirit, not content to flit around on the surface, dives into the depths of God, and brings out what God planned all along.” (1 Corinthians 2:10)

Contentment is always a spiritual thing! We are spiritual beings. 

Refusing to acknowledge that does not alter the truth. 

Living in a way that disregards this reality will always result in some form of discouragement and disappointment.

Modern society is captivated with the superficial. Our beliefs and value systems are being shaped by surface level activities. 

Digital likes, shares, and affirmations give us temporary hits of happiness. 

While dissenting opinions send us spiraling into a negative state of doubt and depression.

Outcomes by definition are superficial. They represent the visible, surface level output of a task, assignment, or competition.

Going deeper than the outcomes is always going to be a revealing exercise.

It will tell you more about yourself than any win/loss record, profit-loss statement, or box score could portray.

These are just superficial depictions of what you’re doing at any given moment, but they can never tell us who we are.

Spirituality takes us to a place of contentment by affirming who we are, is and will always be, more important than what we do.

The Quiet Life

Learning on the Job