Every Opportunity

Every Opportunity

May 9, 2023

“Make the most of every opportunity” (Collossians 4:5)

We’re the only ones that really know if we’re making the most of any opportunity.

There’s this quote that says, “Hell is to meet the person you could have been at death and realize you’re not even a shadow of that person and that heaven is to meet the person you could have been and to see yourself staring back at you.”

We’ve all been there!

Whether it was going into a situation knowing we could have done more to prepare, or coming out of a situation knowing we had much more to give.

Often times in these moments we’re quick to console ourselves or other by saying things like;

“It’s ok, life happens!”

“Oh, you did fine!”

But in reality there is no excuse to ever not make the most of an opportunity. 

This is a personalized calling, it takes into account your circumstances always. 

God knows what you’re dealing with, what you’re going through, and most importantly what you’re capable of.

So in any given moment his expectations from you are true, and you will always have the capacity to live up to them.

Most of us make it harder than it needs to be by not being intentional in designing a life for the purpose of making the most of any opportunity.

Lifestyle design is the process in which we align the way we live with our purpose to answer God’s calling. 

If God gave you everything you’ve been asking for would you be ready to make the most of the opportunity?

Daily Practice

The Allure of Potential