6/8/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Living From God


“… leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail.” - Acts 5:30


Failure is a human term - not a Godly term. God doesn’t fail because he can’t fail. His outcomes are always the desired outcomes. We need whatever he gives us. This doesn’t mean we must enjoy it, but it does mean we should be grateful for it.

As a child of God, everything we do should be from God and for God. This seems bold and ambitious, but it’s actually the opposite. We simply let God in for both the major and the minor events of our lives. We must give him the reigns for even the “small things” we believe we can handle ourselves.

Living from God requires patience. It takes time to give yourself to God in the quiet space needed to hear him over the noise of the world.

Living for God requires intentionality. We can no longer mindlessly react to the events of the world. We must first consider his teachings and respond.

Every experience is God’s provision specifically for you. How are you receiving them?

Call to Action

Take a moment and list out your last 3 failures and/or disappointing experiences. What blessings have come from them?

Stay The Course

6/15/21 S-T-C Tuesday: What Shall We Do?

6/1/21 S-T-C Tuesday: But Even If