The Secret About Discipline

The Secret About Discipline

November 28, 2023

.. 12 I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:12-13)

The other day I was having a conversation with my students about “Discipline.” 

The one thing we’re all trying to have more of - whether you’re a 20-year old college kid, or a seasoned executive, the struggle to live a disciplined life is real.

As we discussed what it means to be “Disciplined” I put a list of 13 words on the screen and asked them to pick one and only one that they felt was deeply tied to being disciplined. 

What would you say is deeply tied to being disciplined? What is at the core of living a disciplined life? (Choose 1)

  • Hard-Work

  • Rest

  • Contentment

  • Grit

  • Order

  • Persevering

  • Trying

  • Angst

  • Stress

  • Joy

  • Pain

  • Hope

  • Training

Slowly we were able to eliminate a few that the class felt were perpendicular to living a disciplined life.

Angst had to go. It’s not a common feeling of the disciplined individual.

Trying didn’t seem to fit - some students referenced Yoda “Do or do not, there is no try..”

We then centered our discussion around a core STC belief when it comes to living a disciplined life. The bedrock of discipline is not anchored in “Trying”, or “Grit”, or “Hard-Work.”

The bedrock of discipline is anchored in contentment. 

If you study the word contentment here’s what it actually means:

“Freedom from worry or restlessness.”

“Peaceful satisfaction.”

When was the last time you felt peaceful satisfaction?

Chances are it was immediately following your doing of the thing you said you wanted to do. Going to the gym, locking in the finances, making the sales call, etc. 

A disciplined individual is a content individual. Both before and after they follow through on the work they said they wanted to do. 

A restless individual, a procrastinating individual, a drifting individual is not disciplined, because they have delayed or withheld doing the thing they said they wanted to do.

They’re living with the angst and internal struggle of saying they want one thing - but not actually doing the work that it requires.

Contentment is having things in their proper place.

Discipline is keeping them there.

The most disciplined people I know are the most content people I know. They’re purposeful, measured, and at ease with themselves a lot of the time. 

The most discontent people I know are the least disciplined I know. They’re frantic, full of angst, and unfortunately very frustrated with themselves a lot of the time. 

It’s going to take a disciplined life to live an On Purpose life. Be careful that your efforts to acquire discipline are anchored in the right place.

“I have learned the secret of being content…. I can do this through him who gives me strength” 

The Mask Must Go

Margin for Relationships