

“We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)


The world is experiencing a leadership crisis. Too many of us are feeling overwhelmed, incompetent, insufficiently skilled, and ineffective.

Unfortunately, leadership is not recognized by most organizations as an essential element of operations. Leadership hasn’t been given it’s proper permanent place as a line item on every business unit’s budget. Because of this, it’s treated as if it’s a discretionary component of the organization’s operations.

Like all things that tend to be more preventative or practice, leadership isn’t truly appreciated until it’s noticeably lacking. When all is well, it doesn’t seem like a problem to skip a workout or two, or to lapse on the catastrophe coverage policy, or to push aside self development for something more instantly gratifying. This way of thinking is what has gotten us to this critical juncture where better leadership is needed everywhere, but we can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Now it’s more apparent than ever that new leaders require preparation to lead. Faithful followers need assistance in transitioning into effective leaders.

Societally, we’re going about this all wrong. We’re frantically scanning the horizons to find our inspiration. We’re aimlessly looking for external validation.

At STC we’re pushing a new paradigm. One that calls us to look vertically for our inspiration and internally for our validation. Our approach emphasizes the moments, the here and now manifestations of the realities of transformational leadership. We believe the pivotal transitions are the foundation of the transformational leadership journey.

Those feelings of inferiority you’re experiencing around your leadership abilities aren’t a problem, they’re an indication. An indicator that you are “in transition". That you’re moving one step closer to becoming the workmanship you were created to be for the good work you were created to do.

2022 is going to be our year to transition together into the leadership community we all need.

Call to Action

Click on the link below to complete a form that will help us to better understand the most pressing needs of our leadership community.


2021 Year-End Review