S-T-C Tuesday: How great parenting influences great leading

How great parenting influences great leading


“…even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28


When we teach our leadership framework through the Stay The Course Academy we spend an entire week studying the two distinct types of leaders there are in all walks of life. One set is transactional, the other set is transformational.

The starting point to becoming a transformational leader is to do the deep work and define your motives, purpose and definition of success. It’s in the personal deep work in private that we reveal what is really going on internally.

We’re able to cut through all the nonsense, all the role playing, all the power jockeying and all the stress as we truly evaluate our motives.

Are you here to serve or be served?

A transactional leader is really concerned with what they are getting more than what they are giving. Am I paid enough? What are the benefits? What are the privileges of the role?

Company car?

Corner office?

Reserved parking space?

401k contributions?

Nothing wrong with any of it - unless of course a leader really cares more about the amenities and what they feel they are owed more than what they are prepared to give and pour into the people they are leading.

Truly transformational leadership resembles truly great parenting.

No great parent looks at their child and thinks:

“Hey what am I getting out of this exchange? When am I going to start receiving here? All I do is give and give and give. When are you going to start to give to me?”

No, a great parent isn’t concerned with getting. Just giving. A complete outpouring of their energy and life into their children.

No great leader looks to their group and thinks, how can you serve me and my personal goals?

Just like in parenting, great leading is a complete outpouring of energy and life into the people we are responsible to.

Working to serve, not be served.

Way more concerned with giving than receiving.

It can’t be faked. Your people will smell it on you if you try. They probably know your motives and intentions better than you do somedays. You’ve got to do the deep work to develop transformational motives. Our motives have a way of overflowing out through our behaviors.

In high performing cultures, the leaders are here to serve. In common, mediocre cultures, the leaders are here to be served.

When leaders give more than they receive it not only transforms their own attitude and fulfillment, but their entire team culture.

Call to Action

Take a moment to really reflect on what your motive is today. Pick one way you can serve. Buy coffee, give someone the afternoon off, cover their duties, ask them how you can alleviate THEIR stress.

Give more than you receive today.

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