7/6/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Just Keep Showing Up

Just Keep Showing Up


“Saul answered David, “You can’t go and fight this Philistine. You’re too young and inexperienced - and he’s been at this fighting business since before you were born.”

David Said, “I’ve been a shepherd, tending sheep for my father. Whenever a lion or bear came and took a lamb from the flock, I’d go after it, knock it down, and rescue the lamb. Lion or bear, it made no difference - I killed it and I’ll do the same thing to Goliath. God, who delivered me from the teeth of the lion and the claws of the bear will deliver me from this Philistine”

1 Samuel 17:34-37 MSG


It may have seemed a surprise to everyone that a little shepherd boy, David could kill the giant, Goliath. What a shocking turn of events that must have been for those on site.

It’s possible this event prompted the first ever “overnight success.” Prior to this event, no one knew who David was. He was a hidden star who came to the forefront after a big victory as a steep underdog. Even today, many know and repeat the story of David & Goliath. With this victory David “came out of nowhere.”

The reality is, David had been developing in secret long before this event. Far from the crowds and battlefields, David had been accruing transferrable skills for his big moment with Goliath. Alone in the backfields he had slayed lions and bears and didn’t even humble brag about it on social media.

Some have said it takes ten years to become an overnight success. I’m sure David could relate to this idea. As he tended to his father’s sheep in private, David was building his skills with no noticeable payoff for his effort. No change in circumstances, completely on the plateau of mastery. Honing his craft that someday people would admire. Quite possibly the greatest skill he was building in private was the ability to trust God to deliver him.

In leadership and in life we continue to face challenges that will test our qualifications and readiness. One of the five principles of the Stay The Course Leadership mentality is to - Just Keep Showing Up.

David didn’t know that with every bear and every lion he was preparing for a future collision with a giant. We don’t really know how our day-to-day is preparing us for the future challenges we will encounter. And just like the mechanical skills we are developing everyday in our craft we must develop the trust that knows God will use all of this.

All of the monotony

All of the stress

All of the conflict

We must develop the art of remembering. Remembering the past giants he has slayed on our behalf.

There are no overnight successes. Even David honed his craft in secret for years before his big moment. Just keep showing up.

Call to Action

Fill in the blanks as you start your day.

“The same God who delivered me from (past crisis) will deliver me from (current crisis).”

“The same God who delivered me from _______ will deliver me from ________.”

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