2020 Year In Review

I was looking through an old journal the other day and found an entry that caught my attention. It was dated October, 22, 2017. The entry was simple and straight to the point as it read:

“I want to start studying the lives of leaders when they were working in obscurity. I wonder what their journey looked like before they were successful. It’s easy to point at a success after the fact. How much struggle did they have on their journey?”

At the time I was over a year into my head coaching career and was slowly making progress in developing a stable NCAA baseball program out of a struggling enviornment. The work was slow and painful, both in the development of the program and in the development of my character and leadership potential. I was starving for encouragement.

What started in the fall of 2017 as an organized, deliberate practice of studying the lives of leaders, has evolved into more than a fun hobby. I have now trained my eyes and ears to scour for stories of leaders who stay the course on the journey of development. Over the last year through this newsletter I began to share, for the first time some of my findings. I hope that these articles were able to support your personal pursuit towards growth in 2020. In total, 51 articles were published on staythecourseleaders.com and here are some of the top reads from my research that began in a small office in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota in 2017.

Here are some of the findings from articles from 2020 at staythecourseleaders.com:

It has been a pleasure journeying together in the year 2020. Next week I will be sharing some big news for what is in store for 2021. Some great developments are on the way and I am very excited to share!

Stay The Course,


Looking Ahead to 2021

Stay The Course-Top Reads of 2020