5/18/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Divine Reality


“…. But this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life” - John 9:3


We’re always looking to connect the dots. We crave causal explanations. We want so badly to know why things happen, because we want to control things, especially our life’s outcomes.

As parents we do all we can to manipulate the variables of our children’s lives in hopes of an extraordinary life of accumulated successes. As coaches we strive to systematize every process within our organizations so we can reproduce desired outcomes. As athletes we ritualize our routines in an effort to maximize our chances of progressive personal best performances.

The problem arises when our systems become more of a priority than God! When expectations are not met, we immediately begin to obsess on the system. How did this happen? Why did this happen? What can we do to prevent that from happening again? Everything has to be causal. We think if we do “good” we should get “good”. That God’s blessings should only arrive in the form of our definitions of positive desirable outcomes.

The truth is all outcomes can be positive and desirable if we allow the work of God to be displayed. Reality is this is often best accomplished when things aren’t going according to our plans. Gods shining light is most visible in the darkest of times.

Call to Action

Hit reply and share how you are letting God’s work be displayed in your current circumstance.

Stay The Course!

5/25/21 S-T-C Tuesday: The Unknown Space

5/11/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Just Believe