1/12/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Mean It

Scripture: “Simply let your yes be yes and your no, no, everything beyond this comes from the evil one.” -Matthew 5:37

Thought: Consistency is hard! As human beings we struggle to establish rhythms for doing the things we ought to do repeatedly. There are bookshelves at your favorite bookstore full of readings on habit and behavior change to help address this problem of consistency. Despite our best attempts we still find ourselves in situations we don’t want to be in, doing things we know we shouldn’t be doing and failing to uphold the commitments we make to others and to ourselves.

We lack congruency. We say no to things we actually want to say yes to, and we say yes to things we should absolutely say no to. We show ourselves no respect by continually breaking the promises we made to ourselves. How could we expect our brains to be consistent when we’re constantly flooding it with mixed signals? Our personal operating systems are stuck in a state of perpetual contradicting.

Confused people are stagnant. Inconsistent people are not reliable; they’re content with incomplete work.

Imagine a life where you fully commit to becoming the person you were meant to be. Consistently saying yes to fully living that narrative. Consistently saying no to the storylines that detract from your personal mission. Understanding that a present no is a future yes, and a yes to something here is a no to something elsewhere. You can’t have one without the other, yet they both function exactly the same in guiding you somewhere.

Establish a direction so your yes can be yes and your no, no!

Call To Action:

Click here and share how you could better utilize yes and no in directing your story.

Stay The Course

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