2/2/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Start Building


“The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes” – Matthew 21:42


Stop rejecting the raw materials you have been blessed with! We’re constantly being reminded of an “image” we should be striving for. An image that by design will always be a little newer and a little nicer than the one you currently hold.

We reject the stones we have with hope that the next one will make us feel complete. We put off building in hope of better stones. As transformational leaders we must build with the stones we have. The transformation happens during the building. The stone is our blessing. The building is how we become a blessing to others.

A stone will never have the honor of being called a cornerstone if it’s never built upon. It becomes most valuable when it takes its proper place in the obscure foundations of some remarkable creation. In that moment and in that place the stone has purpose. It is making a meaningful contribution. It is fulfilled.

Your current environment is rich with stones ready to be used, ready to be transformed! Grab a stone, any stone, and start building. Be transformed!

Call to Action

Click here and share what stone in your life is ready to be built upon.

Stay The Course!

2/9/21 S-T-C Tuesday

1/26/21 S-T-C Tuesday: His Perspective