Grab Some Encouragement

Grab Some Encouragement

April 25, 2023

(John 15:11) “I’ve told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature.”

Back in January we introduced you all to the concept of “Vicarious Joy.” 

This idea that we can cultivate the skill of relating to other people’s journeys and grabbing some encouragement for our journey. 

We’re not advocating for delusional optimism, we're simply conveying that when you commit to the dreamer’s journey you commit to a set of realities that all must walk through. 

One of which being no matter the motive, no matter the purity of the goal, the dreamer’s journey will always include struggle.

In all things anticipation is preparation. Meaning anticipatory skills are highly correlated to our ability to be ready for the events we’ll need to be ready for.

My events will most certainly be different from your events, but we can both be sure that those events will bring struggle.

That shouldn’t scare us! In fact, it should excite us!

Most people assume anticipation is some innate sense some are gifted with or that it takes exceptional knowledge to activate.

The truth is the Bible is full of anticipatory tales, all of which outline what to expect, give concrete examples of how to respond, and provide the purest form of Vicarious Joy any of us could ever tap into.

By tapping into Jesus’s journey to fuel our dreamer’s journey we immediately transform the encouraging impact our journey might have on someone else.

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