Don't Pull Back

Don’t Pull Back

August, 8, 2023

But when that conservative group came from Jerusalem, he cautiously pulled back… (Galatians 2:11-13) - 

Fear has a way of making us do foolish things. 

As a young man, Peter, acting in fear, chopped off the ear of a soldier arresting Jesus. An hour before, he was dozing off, neglecting the assignment from Jesus to stand watch. Acting in fear, not well thought out - he may have “overreacted.” (Matthew 26).

Fear has a way of making us do foolish things.

Later in his life, decades since the sword situation, living as a seasoned leader, the “go-to” guy in a faith movement that would eventually spread from the Middle East to the ends of the earth, Peter once again reacts in another moment of fear.

While he normally ate with non-Jews, when the Jewish leaders came to town he pulled away from spending time with them. Peter, “for fear of the Jews” cautiously pulls back from the people he was called to serve and lead.

“Cautiously pulls back..”

Even a seasoned leader can fall into courage drift. 

It’s the fear of man that makes Peter break off from his calling to non religious people. 

Fear of their opinions. 

Fear of their withholding of approval and admiration. 

Fear that they might give the “big-time” roles to other people. 

Fear is a problem.

When fear is ruling our lives, we cower from our calling.

In our cowardice we live indecisive about how we’re going to show up.

You’re never going to live into your calling indecisively.

You’re never going to fulfill your purpose indecisively.

At some point we all must make a decision. Stick your foot in the ground and make a sharp cut with conviction. 

Be who you said you were going to be. 

Do what you said you were going to do.

Let the chips fall where they may.

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