Confident & At Rest

Confident & At Rest

August, 22, 2023

“I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God’s great mystery… I’m telling you this because I don’t want anyone leading you off on some wild-goose chase, after other so-called mysteries, or “the Secret.” (Colassians 2:2-4)

At STC, our definition of drift is “to move aimlessly at the mercy of external circumstances.”

There are many forms of drift, but our culture is enamored with discipline drift for sure. 

Everywhere you look there are self-help gurus or 25-year old life coaches pedaling “the secret” or “secrets” to a fully optimized and “disciplined” life.

We’re being inundated with so many hacks and secrets to become the most disciplined and powerful leaders our industries have ever seen. In the process, our discipline is drifting more than ever. Lots of complexity. Lots of hacking. Not a lot of truly disciplined leaders inside-and-out.

The answer to discipline drift is not more complexity or hacking or finding the magic elixir to end all elixirs. 

It’s actually more simplicity. More focus on essential things. Elimination of trivial things. Less confusion and more clarity.

Discipline should lead to confidence and rest more than striving and hard work.

The most disciplined person in the room is the most content person in the room.

The most anxious person in the room is often the least disciplined person in the room. 

If you find yourself discontent and anxious as opposed to confident and rested you likely have things out of order. This goes for spiritual discipline all the way to physical discipline.

As Marcus shared a few months ago:

“Contentment is putting things in their proper place. Discipline is the process of keeping things in their proper place.”

Contentment leads to discipline. Contentment focused on Christ in particular leads to discipline.

So which are you needing the most right now? Are things in their proper place or are you fighting to keep things in their proper place?

Have you put things in place? How do you know? Is it written down and reviewed often? What is essential? What comes first in your life? 

Take inventory of your life.

Confidence & rest = contentment + discipline. 

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