Arrange Your Days

Arrange Your Days

June 27, 2023

“A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired.” (Proverbs 17:22 MSG)

The late philosopher, Dallas Willard was a mentor and guide to many leaders. Author of 13 books, his work on philosophy and christian living has greatly enhanced the lives of all who have consumed his written words. 

His greatest advice was to a young mentee who was stressed, full of angst and consumed with “the chase.” You know the type of chase I’m talking about here. The type of chase that keeps leaders up late and up early in the morning. Perpetual effort and “hard-work.”

All consuming drive. Willing your way to victory. 

Making “it” happen.

A young mentee approached Dallas Willard, burnt out, exhausted and discouraged.

Willard gave this advice..

“You must arrange your days so that you are experiencing deep contentment, joy, and confidence in your everyday life with God.”

  • Deep contentment

  • Joy

  • Confidence

Most driven people believe deep contentment, joy and confidence are on the other side of whatever accomplishment we’re chasing.

The reality is - they are available right now. So as long as we arrange our days around experiencing these things in our walk with God, right now. 

Everyday life. Normal. Boring. Trips to the store. Work projects, tasks, assignments. Big dreams. Loads of laundry. Powerful visions. Mowing the lawn.

How we arrange our days communicates everything about how intentional we are about designing the kind of life that gives to our health versus takes from our health. 

There’s nothing that reveals your contentment quite like your everyday life.

If you’re not enough in your everyday life right now, I’m not sure why you think the attainment or achievement in the future will make you enough.

Deep contentment



It’s right there for us if we arrange for it.

Permission To Fail

Tremendous Courage