S-T-C Tuesday: Be where you're supposed to be

Be where you’re supposed to be


“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world yet forfeit their soul?” (Mark 8:36)


One personal trait required for all elite leaders is integrity. It’s the one thing that companies hire for and fire for a lack thereof.

Integrity can’t be bought. It won’t be downloaded with the latest operating system. You can’t borrow someone else’s. It’s carefully crafted through the long haul and can be forfeited in a moment’s notice.

Every single day the stress and pressure of leadership life weighs on the life of leaders. When this stress and pressure is not handled well it can cause leaders to forfeit their integrity and make decisions they regret.

Because integrity is so important in the life of a transformational leader its essential we continue to develop it every day. It’s not a fixed trait and it is something leaders can carefully craft ahead of the storms they face.

Here are three ways to develop integrity in the life of a transformational leader:

1.) Develop emotional courage

Emotional courage is the ability to face the stress of leadership and life without escaping to unhealthy rhythms. Emotional courage is what allows some leaders to bend but not break under the circumstances of leadership. It’s the willingness to look the stress and pressure and expectation right in the eyes.

2.) Be where you’re supposed to be when you’re supposed to be there

When it’s time to go to work… go to work. When it’s time to go home with your family.. go home with your family. When it’s time to turn in and head to bed for the night… head to bed for the night. Most lapses in integrity come when we don’t “feel like” doing what we’re supposed to be doing. A leader must not give-in. Half the battle is just doing what we’re supposed to do when we’re supposed to do it.

3.) Remember this will someday end

Becoming the CEO, executive vice president, the power-5 head coach, will never fully quench the thirst you have in your soul. Whatever the hard circumstances are right now in your leadership life, they will someday come to an end. But your integrity will far outlast your circumstances. Don’t forfeit your life on the inside for a temporary accomplishment on the outside.

Call to Action

If you feel you are stressed, overwhelmed, and struggling on the inside hit reply and let us know. We help leaders win on the inside and we can help.

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