S-T-C Tuesday: Set your mind

Set your mind


“Therefore since we have been raised with Christ, strive for things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not earthly things.” (Colossians 3:1-3)


It’s easy to get swept up in the flow. The to-do lists. The calendar full of events. The preparing and planning all year. The spreadsheets, the recruiting databases. It can be numbing if we’re not careful.

No one is suggesting we’re going to enjoy every single aspect of leading. Leadership is difficult. It gets even more difficult when we lose focus on the things that bring us joy and only fix our minds on the things that cause stress, anxiety, and frustration.

It’s a challenge, but we have the choice. We have the choice to determine what we set our minds on.

If you want to set your mind on the frustrating athlete who just doesn’t “get it” you can. If you want to set your mind on the lack of budget or resources, you most certainly can. If you want to set your mind on all of the negatives…you can.

The truth is our mind may be the most powerful indicator of whether we will enjoy our leadership assignments or not. What you set your mind on will determine the remainder of your perspective.

If you want to set your mind on the seeds your planting in the lives of those you lead, you can. If you want to set your mind on the possibilities in front of your team, you can. If you want to set your mind on the privilege it is to serve God right where you are… you can.

It’s not about ignoring the realities around you. It’s about realizing the opportunities around you. The opportunities to speak life and encourage. The opportunity to usher in hope and transformation.

It is a privilege you know.. to be a leader, to be someone who has influence in others’ lives, to be a servant of God who is ushering in hope and possibilities for the future.

You have the power to set your mind on whatever you want to set it on.

Set it on things above.

Call to Action

Set your mind on things above and watch what it does to your enjoyment and fulfillment in this temporary season of leadership you are in.

S-T-C Tuesday: Live a higher standard

S-T-C Tuesday: Be where you're supposed to be