The Basis for Living Well

Read time: 3.5 minutes

Society is intoxicated with appearance!

As a result we’ve become disconnected from our faculties and are losing our sense of agency.

We’re spending more time concerning ourselves with what other people think we should be doing, then we do exploring things that we actually find meaning in.

We’re choosing popularity over principles. Style over substance!

Why is it becoming so hard for us to make decisions for ourselves about ourselves?

I call this Courage Drift.

When we lack courage our decision making suffers most. Not just the major life decisions, but the most basic decisions like what to think, what to say, and how to live. 

Courage is the basis for living well. 

Do you have the guts to be who you were meant to be? Live the life you were meant to live?

All of us could benefit from a lesson on how to assert more authority on our own thoughts, our own emotions, our own voice, and our own life.

In this issue, we’ll explore why courage is an absolute requirement for living well. 

Free to Fear

Courage, in its essence, is not the absence of fear but the action in its presence.

Fear is an opportunity. An opportunity to activate your courage! 

Courage is the driving force that compels you to do that thing you know you must despite all the temptations to do otherwise.

It takes courage to move in a direction that directly opposes the relentless resistance and noise of the world. 

Courage is the life energy that propels us to pursue a higher standard of living, to fulfill our purpose and passions despite our reservations and insecurities. 

Courage allows us to see life for what it is and deliver good on the promises we make to ourselves and others. 

Courage enables us to find freedom in the confines of our current circumstances. 

When we choose courage we are free to fear.

Fear has no power over the courageous. It’s an opportunity. Or better yet, it’s an invitation! 

An invitation to live intentionally, to be here now embracing the moment fully appreciating the gifts of our current circumstances.

An invitation to remind yourself who you are and what you're capable of.

An invitation to grow our capacity and confidently pursue a life well lived.

Fear never goes away! The invitation to be courageous must be accepted anew every day.

People who navigate life with a purpose seldom submit to fear, they’re too busy expressing courage.

Quit Wasting Time

We’re all wasting time doing things we “think we should do”!

We’re trying to impress. We devote way too much energy toward pretense.

“For The Gram” is the prevailing modus operandi of society. 

We all know this is a miserable way to do life, but yet we stick with it out of cowardice.

A lot of us are yearning for something different. A better way of doing life! 

We must free ourselves from the tyranny of this superficial culture. 

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation” - Herman Melville

All life is a servitude.

In the long run, one of the most impressive things we can do is consistently be of value to others.

Living well is about how you go about being of value to others, and who you become in the process.

One of the most valuable things we can do for others is to serve as an example and an inspiration by living well. 

And that takes courage!

The clock is ticking. What are you waiting for? Life is shorter than you think!

The Courage To Be Present

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