Thoroughly Enjoy

Thoroughly Enjoy

November 7, 2023

(Psalms 104:31) “The glory of God - let it last forever! Let God enjoy his creation”

What are the focal points of your dreams?

Historically, for me all my dreaming has been focused on this central theme of me thoroughly enjoying some moment in time. Most often the moments are centered around some grand accomplishment.

Put simply, I dream about doing hard things really well and feeling really good about it.

Another way of putting this is, I dream about basking in my own glory!

What about God’s glory? Oops, sorry! That was just never something I considered dreaming about.

Dreaming is supposed to be about us right? What we’re doing. What we have. How we spend our time. Where we’re going.

This scripture reveals a transformational way to approach dreaming.

Dream about bringing glory and joy to God. This will fundamentally change things!

This approach makes dreaming so practical and accessible.

We’re all God’s creation!

Let us dream and draw motivation from simply living in a way that is pleasing to Him.

This may not feel like a tall enough task to dream about, but I can assure you that dreaming in this manner will transform you in ways nothing could ever compare to. 

Now when you dream, ask yourself if this is something God would also thoroughly enjoy.

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