Give to Guard

Give to Guard

October 24, 2023

“Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world” (James 1:27)

Drift is REAL!

It’s the unseen opposition that is constantly meddling in either the background or foreground of our lives.

Drift robs us of our potential by destroying the power of individual initiative.

Drift is so good at what it does, because of how subtle it is. It’s barely perceptible!

Case in point, research shows us that most people who are dealing with low levels of positive emotions and/or higher levels of negative emotions often default to doing nothing. 

Meaning they simply continue to perform routine daily activities that neglect their well-being.

Drift has us convinced that “Staying The Course” is moseying along until some event magically improves our state.

Drift wins every time we permit external circumstances to dictate our emotional, mental, and/or spiritual states.

The key to successfully sustaining the fight against Drift is highlighted in this scripture.

We need to assume an “other’s orientation” by embracing giving.

Giving is a prosocial behavior that is scientifically proven to move us into a state of greater well-being. 

Prosocial behaviors are directly linked to perseverance. 

On almost every metric of success imaginable, givers, over the long haul come out on top.

Giving is how we guard ourselves from Drift’s relentless attacks on our well-being.

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