Resolute Clarity

Resolute Clarity

October 31, 2023

In making your speech sound more religious, it becomes less true. Just say ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ When you manipulate words to get your own way, you go wrong. (Matthew 5:37 MSG)

When it comes to ambition, clarity can be measured in what we accept and what we decline. When we lack clear “yes’s” and “no’s” it may be a sign our ambition is drifting.

Everything can’t be an option. We’re not going to be able to do it all and maintain a sense of purpose.

If the ambition (Yes) is to lose weight - then it will require declining unhealthy eating habits. (No)

If the ambition (Yes)  is to spend more time with family - then it will require declining some invitations to spend the day on the golf course. (No)

If the ambition is to rest (Yes) - then it will require declining the insatiable desire to work more. (No)

If the ambition is to bloom where you’re planted (Yes)  - then it will require turning down job offers that will uproot your life and place it somewhere else. (No)

What is the ambition? You get to determine it. It will be determined internally and it will be revealed by the opportunities and invitations you decline externally. 

In a recent podcast interview I heard, Dan Patrick told the incredible story about turning down a 5-year contract extension with ESPN as an anchor on the widely popular 11:00 p.m. show. Why did he turn it down?

His kids were in high school. After long discussions with his wife they realized the kids “will be out of the house” by the end of the contract - he declined.

He declined the opportunity to earn more money, more fame, more notoriety. All because he wanted those critical years with his kids to be more meaningful. 

Resolute clarity 

Earlier this summer I heard a similar sentiment from Matthew McConaughey in an interview in which he told the story about the time he decided he was done with the “romantic comedy films.” Even though he had found a successful niche in Hollywood - he declined the path. Why?

He was no longer comfortable being in sexualized roles on screen while being a family man at home. He was a husband and a Dad and those roles no longer suited him.

He declined the opportunity to make more money. Win more awards. Enlarge his fame. All because he wanted his values on-screen to match his values at home.  

Resolute clarity.

If all options are “on the table” we can’t be surprised when we look up and realize we’ve spent valuable time drifting.

Authentic success demands resolute clarity.  

Resolute clarity. Determined by our “yes’s” and reinforced by our “no’s.”

If you haven’t determined your “yes’s” in life - your definition of what success is, your true north, your scorecard, then you can’t do anything BUT DRIFT. You’ll chase every shiny thing that comes your way. 

If you can’t point to any definitive “no’s” - no job offers declined, no opportunities left on the table, no side projects put on the back burner, no emerging career paths left untraveled,  then it’s probably time to revisit what it is you’re even striving for.

What is it you’re even striving for?

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