3/23/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Your Priority


“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed”

  • Luke 5:16


At the peak of his ministry Jesus still prioritized communion with God. He “often” withdrew. The use of his time reflected his priorities. What about you? If we were to evaluate how you spent your time the past couple weeks what would we learn about you?

We would certainly know what you prioritized, but would that align with what you say are your priorities? Most of us talk about putting God first but our daily schedules tell a different story. We give God some time when it’s not too inconvenient, or when we have an urgent matter to bring to his attention.

Unlike Jesus, when we are prospering we tend to have less time for God. We tell ourselves we’ll get to God after this project, after preparing for this presentation, after this season. We promise God we’ll put him back in his proper place after things settle down.

Things never settle down! Only we can settle things down in our lives. And we do that by spending time with God in prayer.

Call to Action

Hit reply and share how you’ll demonstrate that God is really your priority.

Stay The Course!

3/30/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Tell Somebody

3/16/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Keep Serving