3/30/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Tell Somebody


“Return home and tell home much God has done for you”

  • Luke 8:39


Who have you told? How are you acknowledging all the amazing things God has done for you? Are you aware of all the things he is currently doing for you?

We’ve become so distracted as a society that we no longer appreciate the many miracles that are happening around us daily. That breath you just took, that’s a gift form God. That thought you just had, that’s a gift from God. These are significant recurring events that we let come and go without even acknowledging God’s role in them. We’re only moved by the big stuff, but even major events have lost their influence in the 24-hour news cycles.

As transformational leaders we embrace the principle of starting small. This holds true in everything we do, including acknowledging and sharing the little things God has done for us. By sharing how we see God in our lives daily we are showing others where to look for him in their lives.

Call to Action

Hit reply and share what God has done for you. Not tell somebody about this tomorrow.

Stay The Course!

4/6/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Start Shining

3/23/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Your Priority