4/6/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Start Shining


“No one lights a lamp and puts it in a place where it will be hidden”

  • Luke 11:33


We are trying so hard to be special and unique in the eyes of someone else, that we forget that we are special and unique in the eyes of God. We have all been blessed uniquely. We’re not the only one capable of doing God’s work, but we are the only ones capable of doing our work for God.

God didn’t create you without purpose. First comes the purpose, then the creation, and then the call. How are you cultivating your talents? How are you leveling up your skills and mastery?

These are our lights. The light God has placed in us. Our job is to honor God by doing his work in a way that only we are capable of. When we do this we shine bright, we shine bright for God.

Have you ever done something in a way that those who witnessed it couldn’t help but give God the glory? Done something so unselfish that only a child of God could do that? Done something so humbling that only a man of God could do that? Done something so heroic that only a woman of God could do that?

We’re all capable of this right now, stop hiding, and start shining!

Call to Action

Hit reply and share the opportunities for your light to shine a little brighter for God.

Stay The Course!

4/13/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Your Devotion

3/30/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Tell Somebody