4/13/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Your Devotion


“…I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction”

  • Joshua 7:12


There are consequences to our actions. Real consequences! God wants nothing more than to walk alongside us in our transformational journey, but he won’t unless we are fully committed to him. We can’t be fore God only when we need him, and expect him to be with us always.

He’s always for us, but won’t help us unless we first help ourselves by removing destructive things from our life. You read this and probably think you’re good, because on the surface everything appears to be kosher. But I challenge you to look deeper at what consumes your attention and time. Are these things clearly moving you closer to God? How so?

If they are, great God is with you! If they aren’t consider them destructive, yes it’s that simple. Let us not over complicate things by trying to classify activities as good and bad. Your job, your relationships, your hobbies, your ambitions, and your lifestyle should all be pointing you and/or others to God.

We can do many things, but our devotion can only be to one thing, and that’s God! Devotion to anything else, regardless of how good the cause is destructive. Don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise.

Call to Action

Hit reply and share what you are doing to ensure you stay devoted to God

Stay The Course!

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