By Design


“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20)


There is no excuse. Every system is perfectly designed to get the results that it gets. You are who you are, by design. You’ve done what you’ve done, by design. 

It’s easy to paint yourself in a corner regarding your abilities, circumstances, or nature. We say things like:

“This is just how I am.”

“This is just how it is.”

We want so badly for that to actually be true, but deep down we know better.

We know that we’re capable of so much more than our circumstances, but the distance between our current state toward our desired future state seems impossible to bridge at times.

You’re not incapable. Your current design process is!

You’ve likely put minimal effort into locking in an optimal design that will help you unlock your potential. We’ve been blessed with all the requisite parts and pieces to literally do all things. Take a look around and you’ll be quickly reminded of the immensity of human potential. 

We will be defined by our ability to use design to shape how we show up in the world. Design informs everything. How we prioritize what’s important, how we work, how we communicate, and how we interact with each other. 

Successful designs send intentional messages. If the design is not functioning properly it will confuse, mislead, and detract from the intended purpose. 

Design informs our beliefs. It helps us appreciate the different possibilities we have in pursuing and reaching our full potential. Living differently is a byproduct of design. Good intentions guarantee nothing.

Good design transforms everything!

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What do you want?

Protect the dream