Protect the dream


“Then birds of prey came down on the sacrifice, but Abram drove them away.” (Genesis 15:11)


A few weeks ago, we talked about how essential it is for you to dream. When was the last time you dreamt? For some, that may have been a great nudge to start dreaming and exploring all that is possible in God.

For others, that prompt may have been a stinging reminder that the dreams you’ve been dreaming are unfulfilled. We recognize, some don’t need help dreaming. Maybe you’ve been dreaming for years. The truth is, some don’t have a hard time coming up with dreams, they have a hard time reconciling why a dream from years ago is still incomplete.

Abram experienced this same experience. After receiving a dream, he committed to it with a sacrifice. A pure gift of commitment. Then what happened?

“Birds of prey” tried to come and take the sacrifice. Abram had to fight them off, and shoo them away. He had to protect the sacrifice.

So it is with all of us on this transformational journey. We’ve got to protect the dream we’ve been given. We’ve got to preserve it.

Why? Because the realities of life have a way of killing dreams. The day-to-day rhythm, the monotony of calendar appointments and commitments, the acquaintances who don’t understand, the people who raise their eyebrows at your dream. Along with our own doubts, fears, and insecurities. It all has a way of nudging us to give up and play it safe.

Some have completely given up on dreaming because of this reality.

The truth is, we’re not going to complete this journey unless we dream. It’s Stay The Course 101. We have to have a vision for where we’re going or this all becomes trivial fast. We have to have a vision for who we’re becoming.

If you’re in a place of needing to protect the dream. If the “birds of prey” are swooping down from the skies to torment and taunt your heart and mind - fight them off.

Protect the dream by doing three things today:

  1. Remember WHY you want what you want

  2. Remember WHEN and WHERE God gave you this vision

  3. Remember WHO benefits from this dream coming to fruition

By Design

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