Choose Better


“…but few things are needed - or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42)


You’re always going to have a choice. That choice may not always be apparent. That choice may not always be easy. That choice may not always be wanted, but it will always be yours to make.

We don’t even know you, but we know you have options. In fact, you likely have much more options than you think you do.

But there’s a problem! You’re settling.

You have this God given desire to do something special, in a way that brings glory and honor to God, but you’re too caught up chasing good things. Yes, good things! 

The same good things that kept Martha from truly appreciating the presence of Jesus in her house. We all want that, but the world has convinced us that we want something else.

Something that someone else has, fooling us into thinking what they have is what they really want when, in reality, they’re just like you. Wishing they had less of what they have and more of what they want, only because someone else has it.

It’s time to choose to put those dreams to work. But what does that mean?

It means choosing between good things and the better thing. 

Possibly forgoing the thing now, for the thing God wants you to have the most. 

What do you really want most? You need to know this, because there will always be good distractions ready to steal your time .

Don’t miss your moment by doing the good when the better is right in front of you.

To increase our impact, we must let go of the former good, and give God the better new.

Call to Action

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First Dream