First Dream


“He told them, ‘the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’” (Luke 10:2)


God’s work is the actualization of our potential. Declare what is in your heart, and what your purpose is. Let God begin his work!

When was the last time you dreamt? I’m talking about a full-fledged child-like fantasy regarding all the things you could, and possibly should be doing?

Something sad happens to us as we age and mature. We slowly begin to become more and more “realistic", whatever that means. We never even take the time to question how or why this has happened to us. We accept it as our reality and gradually relinquish what little is left of our dreams.

Dreaming is an essential part of the transformational journey. It is the motivation to start and the reminder of the truth we are seeking. The reason we’re seeking to be transformed.

Everything starts with a dream. God gives big visions. Truth so bold they can only be revealed in our dreams. Dreams make your transitions relevant.

Too many emerging leaders have been fooled into believing they don’t deserve to dream. That dreaming would be disrespectful or indicate ungratefulness.

Big dreams are God’s gifts. They’re blessings disguised as “burdens”. We dream about the harvest, he reveals the work. Your work! The work you’ve been dreaming about, but have never realized it. The work that will require you to make the transition you’ve been avoiding.

We must first dream if we are to successfully position ourselves in God’s hands so he can do His work. The work of actualizing our potential.

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Conceptual Ambiguity