Conceptual Ambiguity


“Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” (Amos 3:3)


We have a decision to make! Is this going to be about us or Him? Specifically we need to draw distinction between the transformational leadership process and the qualities and actions of a transformational leader.

Last year we introduced this concept of transformational leadership by highlighting some of the consistent, recurring behaviors and qualities of leaders we’ve come to admire. We did this intentionally because we wanted to help you easily recognize how similar these leaders are to you and us. To appreciate how accessible these traits are to us all.

We organized these behaviors into principles to help make these teachings more memorable and portable. To help you organize and approach your own transformational journey. And, most importantly to inspire you to STAY THE COURSE.

We now must go back to the basics and establish complete clarity on what transformational leadership is!

Transformational leadership is a highly personalized process marked by a compilation of revealing transitions. Following each of these moments the individual leader becomes more aware of who they are and how they’re needed. 

These transformational experiences leave you more committed to the repetitive practices that help internalize these new truths. In truth, there is no such thing as a transformational leader, only leaders being transformed. Leaders who are committed to the transformational process.

It’s never been about the leader! We simply use their stories to illustrate how ordinary people are used to do extraordinary things. Simply because they made the decision to commit to the transformational process and help others commit to theirs along the way.

It’s not until we acknowledge and agree to walk together that we actually are committed.

The qualities and traits of the leader are merely signals of need to study. Not for who the leader is, but to appreciate the journey the leader is on. God’s revealing their process to help you identify yours.

Once you decide to do the same he’ll eventually use you to inspire the next leader.

Call to Action

Decide to walk in the path he’s revealed! Put a plan in Place! Tell Somebody! Expect Results! STAY THE COURSE! 

First Dream
