

“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me…” (Psalm 138:8)


As a society we’ve lost confidence in ourselves. Sure there are still confident individuals out there, but collectively we’re losing hope.

This hasn’t been an abrupt change, but instead a subtle process.

Most notably in the field of leadership, we’ve seen a sharp decline in research publication rates over the past few years. It’s as if we’re giving up on the idea that leadership is worth studying. It seems like we’re questioning whether or not leadership is actually a skill that can be taught, learned, and improved upon.

If you subscribe to the views and beliefs of popular culture it would be easy to become discouraged about the prospect of growing and maturing into a transformational leader. You would assume those titles had already been handed out. you would assume you didn’t hit the leadership lottery and that you were destined for a life of obscurity and drifting.

However, we know this not to be true because the Bible is full of stories illustrating the transitions of ordinary, under-trained, under-skilled, people being led on transformational journeys that result in extraordinary impact and contribution.

You see confidence, real confidence comes when you drop your nets, take the step, grab the slingshot, build the ark, rebuild the wall, ask for freedom, etc…

It’s doing what you’re called to do. Period!

Modern leadership theory places too much of an emphasis on people. The same people we know are in the midst of their own sanctification. The same broken people that fail to live up to God’s standard in words, thoughts, or actions somehow, someway, every day.

This shouldn’t discourage us, instead it should serve as a healthy reminder that we all need continual encouragement to stay the course. We need to be reminded of the principles, we need coaching on the practices, and we need confidence to commit to a leadership lifestyle that will be full of fresh starts and new beginnings, because God’s never giving up on you.

Call to Action

Take some time to reflect on your leadership competencies. what skills are you lacking? List skills or competencies you feel would make you a more confident leader.

Conceptual Ambiguity
