Slightly Edited


“Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature.” (Genesis 1:27)


How is it that both of us were created in God’s image? We’re so different!

Human beings are the epitome of perfect design. We’re all built for a particular purpose while tightroping this balance between similarity and originality. This is how great design works.

It’s not about being different, but doing it differently. Functioning differently. Serving a slightly different purpose.

We’re all just slightly edited versions of each other and those that came before us. As leaders, our very existence is a result of the many iterations of leadership that has come before us, we’re all marching in the same transformational direction.

We can all appreciate this yet our routines and regimens don’t reflect this. We’re to quick to do what everyone else is doing, just because.

We struggle to appreciate how significant a slight edit in our routine could be on our ability to have a transformational impact now and for generations to come.

It’s not about modification for the sake of modification. Instead, view it as finding how you can authentically contribute to the collective works of the group by designing a lifestyle most conducive to maximizing your impact.

This is a dynamic process that should be constantly evolving with you and your dreams.

At some point along your journey somebody will say, “Nobody’s done it that way before.”

That’s your design!

When You See It

Stop Resisting