When You See It


“Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” (Matthew 7:20)


Growing up I always wondered why my mom would spend so much time in the produce aisle at the grocery store. Every time we went she would meticulously inspect the fruit before placing it in the cart. Finally, I asked and she explained she was looking for good fruit.

There are only two types of fruit. Good fruit and bad fruit.

They all looked similar to me, but she insisted that you know good fruit when you see it.

Transformational leadership is similar. You’re either a transformational leader, or you’re not. In every instance we’re producing one or the other.

Transformational leadership is not only a life long commitment to bearing good fruit, but also a promise to help others do the same.

Therefore, a transformational leader will always be recognized by their ability to produce positive changes in themselves, as well as those around them.

How would one classify your fruit?

If we want good fruit we need to plant good seeds in good soil and tend to it daily. Every decision and subsequent actions we make are directly influencing our fruits and the fruits of those around us.

How you respond now should align with how you would like to be recognized always.

Amidst The Struggles

Slightly Edited