“Every prudent man acts out of knowledge, but a fool exposes his folly.” (Proverbs 13:16)
We live in the information era. We’re literally a couple swipes and a few seconds away from any bit of obscure information we might want. But that isn’t knowledge, that’s a distraction!
Aspiring leaders could literally spend their entire leadership life consuming endless amounts of really good self-development content. Podcasts, newsletters, books, the opportunities for continual learning are endless.
Don’t get me wrong, being informed is an important part of the process, but knowledge requires some activity. It’s a verb, not this superficial passive compulsive scrolling we’ve become accustomed to. Knowledge requires study, education and real experience.
Knowledge must be intentionally acquired.
At some point we must apply and test our knowledge in a way that indicates whether or not what we’ve learned is actually moving us in our desired direction. Because let’s be clear, that’s what knowledge does!
It moves us places.
What knowledge are you acting from? Worldly knowledge? Or Biblical truth?
As transformational leaders we are called to the latter. To bring this learning to form via effective actions that show the world there is literally no circumstance in which biblical-based leadership won’t produce transformational results.
The Bible must serve as the contextual foundation, the cornerstone, for all our knowledge deployment
Otherwise, we’ll simply be well-informed fools.