Be What You Were Made To Be


“So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t.” (Romans 12:6)


Did you know that scientists estimate that the odds of you being born are at least 1 in 400 trillion?

1 in 400 trillion.

And as you read this, did you know that you are 1 of 7.75 Billion people on earth?

1 of 7.75 Billion

Out of all the statistics, odds, and matchmaking, here you are - simply you. Consider your uniqueness. 1 in 400 trillion chance of even breathing life. The original 1-of-1 copy of you. A world of 7.75 Billion and there’s only one of you.

Yet with all of our uniqueness, our gifts, our height, our personality, our experiences, our mistakes, our gaps, all of the things that contribute to being the rare 1-of-1 design, we still compare enviously. We still compare pridefully.

Either not good enough or better than.

1 in 7.75 Billion and we’re often trying to be something we’re not.

One of the greatest preventative measures to ambition drifting in a transformational leader’s life is to go ahead and be what we were made to be. Your life is not random. You’re not leading where you are by accident. For this season of your life, out of 7.75 billion, you were the one picked to roam these halls. You were the one assigned to this street, and this community. You were the one given this responsibility. This is your team. Your office. Your clinic. You were the one given this corner of the world to influence.

They call you coach, or teacher, or boss, or mom, or dad, or mentor.

Go ahead and get on with it. Be who you were made to be in this season of life. Stop being so concerned with where you want to go or where you wished you would’ve gone that you miss out on what this season of life is giving to you.

7.75 Billion people in the world, and these people in your life right now are looking to you.

Lead them, serve them, be you!

The Rise of Terry McLaurin

The Rise of Terry McLaurin

Take Charge