2/23/21 S-T-C Tuesday: Start Now


“….The time has come...”

- Mark 1:15


We can only talk about doing something for so long. Eventually, those discussions must become decisions, and those decisions must become actions. If any of this is going to matter, at some point, we must do the work.

Thanks to the internet, smart phones, and advancements in broadband networks we can access the most obscure information about anything in a matter of seconds. In those moments, it feels empowering but in reality it is disabling. Research has become so convenient that we often opt to read one more article about the things we wish to do, or watch one more video instead of just doing the thing.

How many masterclasses? How many webinars? How many workshops will you attend before you feel like you’re ready? The key is to start before you’re ready! The enemy wants you to believe you need to study a bit more, talk to a few more people about it, spend a little longer researching, or attend one more workshop.

If that doesn’t work, he’ll lead you to believe it’s too late. That the market is saturated, everything has already been done.

Ignore the lies.

Avoid the distractions.

The time has come! Quit talking. Take action. Start now!

Call to Action

Hit reply and share what you need to stop talking about and start doing!

Stay The Course!

3/2/21 S-T-C Tuesday: More God

2/16/21 S-T-C Tuesday: The Secret Place