Just Enough Ambiguity

(Read on Staythecourseleaders.com)

S-T-C Tuesday: Just Enough Ambiguity

February 14, 2023

“And just how would you define neighbor?” (Luke 10:29)

We tend to make things more complicated than they need to be.

We ask questions not to get closer to clarity, but to create more confusion. Why would we do that?

It creates loopholes! Just enough ambiguity to liberate us from real accountability.

We want an out! A means to rationalize why we didn’t do what we should have done when we could have done it.

The Golden Rule is the highest standard of leadership. You know that just as well as I do!

So, let’s not convolute things by adding caveats or disclaimers.

We’re encountering neighbors every day.

Neighbors of all different flavors. That could benefit from our love, our help, and possibly our leadership.

Don’t let your lifestyle stand in the way of that.

Lifestyle drift is a convenient way to avoid living up to our highest standard.

Who could argue against someone who just doesn’t have the time to do the thing?

Too busy is too easy of an excuse.

Busy is a choice.

Choose to live in a way that makes it easier for you to live up to your highest standard.

No need to question whether this is the right time or the right person, because you’ll be ready.

Stay The Course,


Green & Flourishing

Don't Delay - Choose Discipline