When you stop and think about it, does the world really need another, “anything?” The reasonable response to that question is always going to be no. Everything’s been done. Nothing’s new! Yet every year someone manages to push past all that reason and present us with a way better version of the same old thing. Something remarkable! 

Everyday there is an assault on our ability to live on purpose and focus on becoming the type of leader we want to be. We’re bombarded with our own sense of drifting. Balancing too many things. Busy schedules. Weighing in on every hot topic. Distractions to do whatever it takes to keep us a little less focused on purpose. 

“And just how would you define neighbor?” (Luke 10:29)

We tend to make things more complicated than they need to be.

We ask questions not to get closer to clarity, but to create more confusion. Why would we do that?

It creates loopholes! Just enough ambiguity to liberate us from real accountability

For a highly skilled, transformational leader. The details matter. They matter a lot.

The discipline is in the details. The daily efforts that stack over time and take an individual, a team or organization further than they even dreamed. There is however, one major obstacle to the details.


At the core of the success of James Clear and his book, Atomic Habits are fundamental questions about life. What can an emerging leader learn from the journey of one of the most prolific writers and thought leaders in the world? What can the STC leadership community extract from the life and work of James Clear?

A lot of our teachings are centered around you as an individual.

This is intentional because living On Purpose is contingent on your choices.

We can’t make them for you.

God won’t make them for you.

It’s on you, however, when we consider design it’s important for us to take the time to understand the bigger picture, the design behind the design, if we are to truly appreciate how our design decisions should be approached.

We need each other. We’re a community!

here are times when we have to go right through ‘Death Valley.’ Not every path in our lives winds and curves on familiar, well traveled roads.

Aside from a few football stadiums, we don’t have many places named ‘Death Valley’ in our modern societies. For the transformational leader, death valley may be an experience more than a longitude, latitude location. Here are some examples of a death valley experience.

I’m certain there’s been at least one time, but likely many times in your life where you’ve had a thought cross your mind about doing something extraordinary. A hint towards a suggested program or plan of action for you to take that just seemed absurd for you to even consider, let alone, start organizing yourself to take action.

For whatever reason our dreaming tends to emphasize what we’re doing or where we’re going.

It’s rare to hear someone sharing details about a dream that entails who they are and why they’re doing whatever it is they're doing.

DRIFT prefers we spend most of our time thinking about the “what & wheres” of life, because in the grand scheme of things these details matter the least.

Think about that for a moment. The importance of what and where are secondary to other considerations like the “who & why.”

At any given time, we’re either striving or stewarding. 

Striving is so embedded in our society’s preferred way of life that it doesn’t even feel like a problem to say we’re striving.

“Striving? Of course I’m striving.. I want to be great!”

This is the battle cry of so many leaders in life today.

Simultaneously we’re seeing burnout, languishing, anxiety, depression and even a 3% increase in people taking their own life

We have to be very careful with our relationship with “striving.”