Childlike Dependency

Children have a lot to teach us!

They’re the purest representation of ambition we’ll ever witness.

Children approach the “impossible” every day with an eagerness to challenge themselves, learn something new, and grow from the experience.

They know no limitations, because their entire existence is one big limitation gradually being overcome.

It's The Culture

Some of the best marketing and advertising campaigns in the last 50 years came from one epicenter. Widen & Kennedy in Portland, Oregon. 

“Just Do It.”

“Bo Knows.” 

“Air Jordan”


“This is Sportscenter”

“Coke Side of Life.”

All Wieden & Kennedy or their associates. 

Healthy Rhythms

We often navigate life as if we’re tight roping between our yearnings to fit in and our desires to stand out. 

Drift has us deceived into thinking these are mutually exclusive

To make matters worse, Drift has us convinced that the path to either requires us to be less ourselves and more like everybody else, which only serves to erode our authenticity. 

Every Opportunity

We’re the only ones that really know if we’re making the most of any opportunity.

There’s this quote that says, “Hell is to meet the person you could have been at death and realize you’re not even a shadow of that person and that heaven is to meet the person you could have been and to see yourself staring back at you.”